In Asian matched cohort study, incidence of autoimmune diseases, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease similar between groups
Tobacco Content Exposure on Social Media Tied to Actual Use
Findings show associations for lifetime tobacco use, past 30-day use, and susceptibility to use tobacco among never users
Endometriosis Linked to Greater Risk for Stroke
Of the total association of endometriosis with stroke risk, largest proportions attributed to hysterectomy/oophorectomy, hormone therapy
FDA to Take a Hard Look at Its Food, Tobacco Programs
Agency has been under heightened scrutiny since the nationwide infant formula shortage and debate over e-cigarette products
Lifetime Risk for Stroke Varies With Genetic Risk, Cardiovascular Health
Highest LTRS score of 24.8 percent seen for those with high genetic risk and inadequate Life’s Simple 7
Risks for Diabetes, CVD Up in Acute, Postacute COVID-19 Phases
However, from 13 to 52 weeks after COVID-19, no increase was seen for diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease
A-Fib Linked to Worse Hospital Outcomes in Multiple Myeloma
In stratified analysis, odds of all-cause mortality, hospital stay of more than five days higher for MM patients not using anticoagulation
Protein Intake Tied to Quality of Diet for Weight Loss
High-protein consumers also reduced intake of refined grains and added sugar and increased intake of green vegetables
Eating Avocados No Aid for Visceral Fat Loss
Additionally, daily avocado intake had minimal effect on risk factors associated with cardiometabolic disorders
Genotype Tied to Endovascular Therapy Outcomes in LVO Stroke
Instant, early reocclusion more frequent in carriers of the RNF213 p.R4810K variant, found mainly in people of East Asian descent