Glial fibrillary acidic protein concentrations strongly elevated in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage versus ischemic stroke, stroke mimics
Propranolol May Reduce Overall Stroke Risk in Women With Migraine
Protective effect more pronounced for ischemic stroke and in women with migraine without aura
Flossing Linked to Lower Risk for Ischemic, Cardioembolic Stroke, A-Fib
Significant dose-effect seen between flossing frequency and reduction in incident ischemic stroke
Climate Change Expected to Increase Heat-Related Deaths in Europe
Depending on extent of mitigation measures adapted, up to 2.3 million climate change-related deaths can occur this century
Intensive BP Control Linked to Long-Term Cognitive Benefits
Rates of both MCI and composite of MCI or probable dementia lower with intensive treatment in extended follow-up study
Benefits of Pediatric Obesity Treatment Endure Into Young Adulthood
Benefits seen for lower risk for type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, bariatric surgery, and mortality
BP Readings Obtained in Public, Private Spaces Minimally Different
Public-loud and public-noisy BPs show minimal, non-clinically important differences from private quiet BPs
Sleep Apnea Surgery Linked to Lower Risk for Car Accidents for Patients
Risk for motor vehicle accidents lower compared with undergoing CPAP therapy or no treatment
Updated Heart Disease, Stroke Statistics Presented for 2025
Many of the risk factors for heart disease are continuing to increase
Diabetes Remission Increased With Dapagliflozin Plus Calorie Restriction
Dapagliflozin plus calorie restriction beneficial for patients with overweight or obesity and type 2 diabetes