Whether or not his body rejected the foreign organ is still unclear
Serious Mental Illness Linked to Cardiovascular Risk for Young Adults
10- and 30-year CV risk significantly higher in patients with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder
Higher Daily Life Movement Cuts CVD Risk in Older Women
Daily life movement includes things like performing housework or gardening
Troponin Levels and Mortality After Cardiac Surgery Examined
Cardiac troponin levels linked to increased risk for 30-day mortality substantially higher than thresholds cited for periprocedural myocardial injury
Clinical Decision Support May Aid CV Health in Mental Illness
Reduction seen in rate of change in modifiable cardiovascular risk, but most changes in individual modifiable risk factors were not significant
Mean Monthly BP Increased Among U.S. Adults During COVID-19
Increases also seen in the proportion of participants with a mean monthly BP classified as uncontrolled or severely uncontrolled HTN
Congenital Heart Defect May Up Risk for Critical COVID-19 Illness
Among patients with congenital heart defects, critical COVID-19 outcomes linked to having comorbidities, male sex, age 50 to 64 years
Study Questions Link Between Vegetable Intake, CVD Risk
Higher intake of raw vegetables inversely linked to CVD risk, but much of the association is explained by confounding variables
Cuff Size Affects Accuracy of Blood Pressure Measurements
Overestimation of blood pressure with use of a cuff that was too small misclassified 39 percent of participants as having hypertension
Oral Microbiome Linked to Incident HTN in Postmenopausal Women
Among baseline oral bacterial species, 10 associated with greater risk and five associated with lower risk for incident hypertension